ceiling fan motor question

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Newbie level 2
Jan 19, 2015
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I received a ceiling fan that I was trying to repair. The celing fan looked to be in good shape but will not start, hum or anything. I have checed the switch and capacitor and they are all good.

I think the problem is in the copper coils inside the motor housing. I have it apart and i have noticed i have four wires around the windings, and three of the wires have two separate thin (windings)copper wires attached to one of the copper coils assembly and soldered in at the end of the individual wire around the tower, however, the brown wire only has one and one is loose(I assume). I have looked on the coil if there was a wire unattached and there is one. I think it may go to either the red wire or the brown since both have only one small thin copper winding wire.The other two wires have two winding wires soldered. i have done a continuity test and the red wire has conductuity to each of the wires.(??)
thanks for any help

Actually in Ceiling fan Starting coil and running coil out put is 4 wires 2 wires starting and 2 running starting one wire and running one wire attach balance two wires are connect the capacitor 230v phase go to start and running attaching wire neutral goes to capacitor depending on rotation clock wise and anti clock wise

this is what I have in my possession. thanks for your help


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