[PIC] CCTV camera with PIC 18F452 microcontroller (for final yr thesis)

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Ye Htet

Newbie level 1
Oct 15, 2015
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Can i do CCTV camera with PIC 18F452 microcontroller?:roll:

CCTV is an analog camera you need a video ADC to interface with DSP or FPGA.resolution depends on the camera you purchase,you could go thru the data sheet for the particular camera.

Type of image format depends upon the video ADC you select,you have RGB format,YCbCr format.

Jpeg algorithm has to be done additionally using DSP or ARM9 microcontroller
Hi Hobbyckts!
I have a plan to do Own make CCTV cameras. I know PCB designing very well and hardware designing too. For a long time I am googling to get CMOS Image sensor. I cant get any info about that is Footprint, pin diagram, oparation,where to buy, and whats is is the cost..

If youn know anything kindly let me know. Eagerly waiting

I think that the first step is you search for specifications for instance of the module OV7670, which is one of the currently most used for general applications, and check if you could perform the D/A conversion at the rate required to stream videos at the CCTV standards. Anyway, I believe that an 32 bits core like or above an AMR would be suited for that.

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