some questions/comments to your inquiry:
* what means "I need a STRONG filter" ? Do you have no specific attenuation requirements?
* Of course, you can use a simple RC stage in front of your 2nd order S&K filter - however, it bust be decoupled using a buffer in front of the 2nd stage
* But you should know that there is a special design strategy for designing a third order S&K using only one single opamp
* In general: Lowpass attenuation for frequencies far above the path band depends on the filter order only - not on the approximation (Butterworth, cauer, etc,)
* The selected approximation determines only if the transition band (between path and stop region) is rather small or not. But you must know that the consequence of a small transition band could be a certain ripple in the pathband)
* To find the optimum filter configuration for a certain application requires a clear specification of the requirements (Filter gain, allowed ripple in the path band, end of the path band, attenuation values for specific frequencies or frequency ranges.