In order for this quiz to be solvable, we must assume that (a) all capacitors start at zero charge, and (b) there is an unchanging resistance in series with VG.
Since there are no other components besides capacitors, we can analyze this network similarly to a resistor network... although we invert certain formulae. For one thing, the smaller Farad values will have the greater voltage on them (as a general rule).
The two upper capacitors are in parallel. Their charge will always be identical.
The formula for capacitors in parallel says the total value is the sum of their individual Farad values.
Then you continue analyzing the network as you would do with a resistor network. Figure out the series and parallel branches, etc.
Eventually you'll have the net Farad value of all except the bottom capacitor.
You can then calculate the proportion between the bottom capacitor and the rest of the network. This will give you the charge on each.
From there you can calculate the volt levels on all the capacitors.