Can't find Innovus Foundation Flow Wizard


Newbie level 5
Aug 2, 2024
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I’ve been studying the Innovus Foundation Flow documentation recently, and I found the chapter on using the wizard to be very helpful. However, I can’t locate it in the Innovus GUI. Could this be a licensing issue, or is there something else that might be wrong?

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The problem seems to be solved. I switched the version of Innovus from 19.1 to 20.1. The reason I did this is, while looking at the makefile generated by Foundation Flow, I noticed it indicated version 20.16, so I decided to try an older version. then I found the Wizard in the dropdown menu (it’s the same in 19.1).

I'm not entirely sure if the issue was solely due to the Innovus version, but it worked. It would still be great if someone could help launch this Wizard in a newer version after 20.1.

One thing I should mention is that while this Wizard function may not be the most efficient way to create a setup.tcl file, it has really helped me understand certain variable settings in the Tcl file (I might not use it this way next time). Since Innovus Expert 21.38 still generates a Foundation Flow template for version 20.16, I believe the script from 20.1 should work fine. : )

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