Hi everyone,
I'm pretty new at all of this still so bare with me.
Someone sent me this program a while back for me to play with. I've already successfully built it using the hex code but I'd love to experiment with the code itself. The problem is that as the author indicated, he made it using an old version of MPLAB that used Hi-Tech C and now apparently MPLAB has changed to MPLABX and uses something else.
I'd been learning using mikroC but for the purpose of playing with this experiment I installed both MPLAB X and MPLAB V8.92. The code works with neither of them as it doesn't recognize htc.h, math.h, TRISA, TRISB, PORTA, PORTB, etc as well as several other things in the code.
I tried installing Hi tech C from this website.
Even though it installs successfully, it makes no difference. When I open my code using MPLAB 8.92 it tells me it uses a language and toolsuite not installed in my system. When I try to open it in MPLAB X the problem remains unchanged.
Can someone please explain to me what I should do for this to work? I've experienced a lot of issues with compatibility between codes and programs and I haven't been able to get much done since I began learning how to program. What I learn using one program wont work on another etc.
Attached is the project files.
Thank you and I hope you can help me.
View attachment 16F877a DFT.zip