cannot enlarge _thumb.jpg images

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Sep 9, 2008
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sometimes posters publish their images only in ..._thumb.jpg format. By clicking they open in a new tab window; their message "click to enlarge" however doesn't work on my MacBook with Firefox 32.0 (at least since 30.0).

The _thumb images just are icons pointing to the real (big) images, I think, the small icons usually are not legible.
Here's an example from this posting.

I guess other members actually can "enlarge" those _thumb icons - which actually means calling the big image - because I saw them responding.

What am I missing?

Best regards, erikl

I guess other members actually can "enlarge" those _thumb icons - which actually means calling the big image - because I saw them responding.

I haven´t a Mac computer to check, but seems as you´re not the only one facing to this problem, as I could check here. Could you confirm if this link really refers to a problem related to which you described ?


I have a Mac G5 running OX 10.5.8. (Both are several years old.)

I clicked 'an example' and got a small low-resolution thumbnail image.

I clicked 'this posting' and got a full-screen hi-res schematic. This is normal. The thumbnail is a link to the larger image.

I haven´t a Mac computer to check, but seems as you´re not the only one facing to this problem, as I could check here. Could you confirm if this link really refers to a problem related to which you described ?

Thanks for your answer, Moderator!

No, that's not the same problem, : the pinch-zoom function (scaling up and down) works perfectly, but it just enlarges the actual ..._thumb.jpg icon, which doesn't make it better legible, because this one contains too less details.

What the click should cause, is, to call the actual (big) .jpg image which the icon should point at.

So that's not the solution, unfortunately :-(


here is the copied and zipped file of same image

hope it helps


  • 5127793100_1406031703.rar
    126.7 KB · Views: 137

I have a Mac G5 running OX 10.5.8. (Both are several years old.)
Hello Brad, nearly the same: mine is a MacBook running on OS-X 10.6.8.

I clicked 'an example' and got a small low-resolution thumbnail image.
Same for me.

I clicked 'this posting' and got a full-screen hi-res schematic. This is normal. The thumbnail is a link to the larger image.

When I click on 'this posting' (above), I get harris110's posting containing the link to this small low-resolution thumbnail image (the same to be found under an example ), i.e. I don't get the full-screen hi-res schematic.

So if the thumbnail is a link to the larger image (what it should be), why my Firefox setUp doesn't recognize it as such, but still shows the thumbnail itself?

What could be wrong with my setUp?


- - - Updated - - -

here is the copied and zipped file of same image

hope it helps

Hello mvs sarma,

thank you for your friendly help! This image, however, was just chosen as an example, actually I'm not specifically interested in the image itself.

Thanks anyway! erikl

Re: enlarge _thumb.jpg images: successful work around found

The low-resolution icon's file name is 5127793100_1406031703_thumb.jpg .

Without success I tried 5127793100_1406031703.jpg >> 404 file not found

In the end, mvs sarma's posting brought me to a successful work around:

He attached a container with file name 5127793100_1406031703.rar ,
- which contained the actual big image 5127793100_1406031703.png .

Thank's again, mvs sarma!

So in future I'll try the file name with various valid image extensions as .jpg, .png, .gif, .tga, ... :grin:

When users uploaded the images using the "Add an image" button (located at the right bottom side of the reply text box), then they get the following result

Usually they copy the part I have marked with red which is a thumbnail with a link to the original sized image.
The link is in the following format (I have replaced the tag brackets with parenthesis so that you can see the text)


As you can see it includes two parts, the link to the full size image (red) and the link of the thumbnail (blue).
The thumbnail format is always jpg but the format of the fullsizes image depends on the uploaded file, it may be jpg, jpeg, gif or png.

As you have already found out the only difference between the thumbnail and full size name is the _thumb suffix, but to manually open the file you have to try one by one the possible extensions ( jpg, jpeg, gif or png).

I wonder why it doesn't work for you. The only way to open the thumbnail instead of the full size in firefox is if I use right click -> view image.
Any other way like left click, right click -> open in new tab or right click -> open in new window works fine.

Hello alexan_e,

thank you for your detailed answer! Pls. s. below:

Yes, I know this, and I always upload images with this method.

On the other hand - if you look at the content of the link in this harris110's posting I pointed to above, this link does not contain the address of the full size image, but just the icon's address.

I just wondered why some people apparently were able to find & read the full size image, because they responded as having seen it. But may be they already knew the trick (work around) which I found out recently (s. below).

Does it really work for you, if you click that link in harris110's posting ?

Neither right nor left (neither ⌘ nor ctrl) click helps in my environment with that link.

Actually there is nothing wrong with the post you refer to.

Here is the link I see (lower left corner) when I hover over the image and it leads to the full image when I click

And here is an image of the content of the post (using the edit function but you can also see it if you use the reply with quote)

I personally use the insert image button located in the top bar of the text editor, that actually stores the image in the same server that runs the forum rather than the old edaboard server (the one that gulson owns).

Actually there is nothing wrong with the post you refer to.

Here is the link I see (lower left corner) when I hover over the image and it leads to the full image when I click

View attachment 107810

Unfortunately, this doesn't work in my environment. I just see the icon, hovering over it doesn't show the full image.

And here is an image of the content of the post (using the edit function but you can also see it if you use the reply with quote)

View attachment 107812

Right, this is another possibility to access the full size image.

I personally use the insert image button located in the top bar of the text editor, that actually stores the image in the same server that runs the forum rather than the old edaboard server (the one that gulson owns).

Yes, I'm used to this method, too.

Thank you, I'd say this problem is solved for me. (I don't find the "SOLVED" button).

A thread can't be marked solved in the about EDAboard section.

The edit is a good method but you don't have the privileges to use it in posts made by others, so this leave the only alternative of the reply with quote in which you can clearly see the link.

I wonder if anyone also experienced the same problem? As others I don't see it with the said example pages.

I can just guess that's a kind protection mechanism enabled in your browser or spam protection software that blocks loading an image from a different server.

As others I don't see it with the said example pages.

How do you mean that, Frank? You don't see the full size image - or you don't see (resp. have) my problem?

I can just guess that's a kind protection mechanism enabled in your browser or spam protection software that blocks loading an image from a different server.

Possible. With 2 different work-arounds, however, I think I can live with it.

In my environment (Firefox 33.0 on Mac OS X 10.6.8) only the _thumb.jpg part appears as URL, but happily in a new tab:

... so the simplest method for me is to remove the _thumb ending in the URL window of this new tab, and - if necessary - try other suffices like .png , .gif ...

A thread can't be marked solved in the about EDAboard section.

The edit is a good method but you don't have the privileges to use it in posts made by others ...
Got it now, thank you!

Unfortunately, this doesn't work in my environment. I just see the icon, hovering over it doesn't show the full image.

After all I found the solution: In the General Settings: **broken link removed** in the Thread Display Options I had forgotten to tick the Show Images field: **broken link removed**.

After having ticked this item, it also works well in my environment.

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