OK, to arrive at the coupled inductor needed, firstly lets assume the P-fet can allow its drain to go to -20V (plus spike), and the min input is 4.5VDC, thus the duty cycle will be 85% or so worst case. If the max o/p power required is 0.2watts (100V x 2mA) sufficient energy has to be stored in the choke core (or gap) every switching cycle. At 100kHz we need to store about 2uJ per cycle plus a bit to allow for losses (say 50% extra). If we let the current ramp to 200mA max, the inductance is then 150uH (100kHz, 4.5Vin, low on drop fet) and this gives us 0.3watt capability. So now we have 20 volt on the left hand winding and need 80V on the right hand part of the winding (a turns ratio of 1:4). The total inductance in circuit during the inductor discharge phase is now 1350uH and will take 2.7uS for the current to ramp to zero, which means the converter may be just operating in continuous inductor current at or near full power.
So a core and winding combination is needed that can handle 0.2amps peak at 150uH, with an overwind of 4 x the turns used to get the 150uH, close coupling of the windings is beneficial. A small gapped ferrite EE would do, or a small Kool-mu type toroid. [if we let the current go to 400mA peak, then the LHS L can be 36uH, still with the 4:1 overwind for the RHS part of the choke). Make sure you get the phasing correct (dot notation) when you connect the windings to each other and to the circuit. You will need an 150V diode for a 4:1 turns ratio and a max input volts of 5.5.
Regards, Orson Cart.