can you me the recent technologies..where FPGA is employed?

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Re: can you me the recent technologies..where FPGA is employ

Do you want to know the application of FPGA? or any other thing, if you want to know application's then it will depend on the complexity of the design.
If the design is very big and the speed of operation required is more, then in that cases FPGA design is not usefull. But one can implement any design in FPGA until it fits and meets the requirement.

can u suggest me areas in consumer electronics?

Re: can you me the recent technologies..where FPGA is employ

Hi Meets Praveen

What exactly u want to kow. FPGA can be used in a wide array of applications.
For more details u can visit FPGA vendor websites like,, etc.

Re: can you me the recent technologies..where FPGA is employ

FPGAs are suitable in applications wich have speed constraints, and neither a very fast microcontroler can't reach, like : Bridges, SVGA, PCI, etc...


Re: can you me the recent technologies..where FPGA is employ

Mostly it uses for emulation of prototype design in industry

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