[SOLVED] Can we use TRIAC to turn ON/OFF AC devices like refrigerators?

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Aug 2, 2017
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Can we use TRIAC to turn ON/OFF AC devices like refrigirators ?

Can we use TRIAC to turn ON/OFF AC devices like refrigirators ?

I am designing a TRIAC based switch board (remote controlled). I have seen triac based switch board swhich turns ON/OFF lights and fans but can I use say 25A rated triac to turn ON/OFF home appliances like refrigirators, washing machines, dish washers, etc,.. ? There will be no Phase angle control that is AC voltage will not be chopped but just turn ON/OFF appliances.

I will be using PIC microcontroller for the project. The RC5 decoder part is complete and working fine on hardware.

Re: Can we use TRIAC to turn ON/OFF AC devices like refrigirators ?


did you read some triac datasheets? At least the current rating?

Choose the right one and "it can".
I recommend to use a zero cross type "MOCxxxx" device to control the triac.

Or use a triac type solid state relay.


Re: Can we use TRIAC to turn ON/OFF AC devices like refrigirators ?

Okay, thank you Klaus.

Re: Can we use TRIAC to turn ON/OFF AC devices like refrigirators ?

Using PICs and triacs here to switch industrial motors with no problem. I strongly advise using zero cross detecting MOC opto-triacs as Klaus suggested. A PIC can directly control the LED side and the burden of finding zero crossing is taken away from the software. For very big motors, I add a mechanical relay across the triac to short it out when the motor is running to reduce heat dissipation. My PIC controllers use a simple 'count up/ count down' routine, it turns the triac on straight away then counts 0.1 second intervals, after a count of 10 it closes the relay. When turning off, the relay opens straight away and the triac turns off when the count has gone down to zero. Doing it that way ensures the relay never switches more than a few volts so there is no contact arcing, the triac also runs cold because it only carries current for about a second at switch on and switch off.

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