Can this schematics run at 36khz rather than 40 ?

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Newbie level 6
Apr 19, 2006
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Can this schematic run at 36khz.
**broken link removed**

Cause my Detector runs at 36khz, and not 40khz like on the link i gave you.

Re: Help needed fast!

You should be able to tune this circuit down to ≈32kHz as it is, without changing components (R5 and R4) ..


Re: Help needed fast!

So this curcuit is actually running at 32khz now. How did you calculate it to that.?

Re: Help needed fast!

Hi guys. I have another question that I wanna ask you all.. Look at this following circuit
And now on the datasheet for 74LS47 - **broken link removed**

I can't really figure out where my pin 3-5 and 4 shall be connected.

Re: Help needed fast!

In single digit applications pins 3, 4 and 5 will not be used, so connect inputs (LT and RBI) to +5V and leave RBO not connected ..
In multidigit applications if you want to suppress leading "zeros" you will be using RBI and BI/RBO pins:

"So this curcuit is actually running at 32khz now. How did you calculate it to that.?"

555 has a formula for T, or f if you like, and using that formula you can estimate the periods (T=T1+T2) .. see any 555 data sheet and you will find it out ..

Re: Help needed fast!

Okay, thanks. Then i need to change the resistors so it sends a signal of 36khz.

Re: Help needed fast!

Can someone explain to me, why he using 2x 555.
and why can't spot C3,C4 on the detector shematic, when i can see them on the component reference list.

Added after 42 minutes:

I got the sender and reciver to work a bit. The problem is When I power up my reciever circuit, and measure the output of the LM339 it is slowly raising up. Why is that.? It takes rougly 10-30sec for it to gain the 5V.

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