can something be defined using different set of variables by different species?

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Full Member level 5
Apr 18, 2011
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I would like to say that I'm having difficult time in framing my question therefore you would need to see beyond my words.

Can something be defined using different set of variables by different species to the same effect?

Humans try to define or mathematize things in terms of variables which make understanding to them. For instance, torque is defined in terms of force and distance from pivot point because both variables make sense to humans. But perhaps some alien species uses some other variables to define torque but they still come to same conclusion as humans. Usually the same destination can be reached through different pathways by different persons. Do you get me? Please help me if you do. Thank you.



We don´t need to go so farway to take that conclusion.
Some physic phenomens can be modeled with different math tools, but all them ( must ) reach the same result, due match to the same behaviour.


I have thoughts about such ideas long ago and found definitve awnsers for them in a away that i dont have to think about them again. A similar example A group of scientist claim that there is a risk of eathquake within 15 days.
Now there is another person who saw earhquake in his dream, he knows through his wisdom there is earthquake going to happen and he needs to do something. Scientist are taking scientific readings and the person described is now meditating.
Using logical conclusions is in root level of our thoughts for actions. We can become logically illogical even subconsciously. The computer should be shut down before it hang and stuck up. Logic and conclusions needs obsevations and input. A man (prophet is a man) can be in observing state all the time and taking conclusions as inputs. The initial observation of somebody may be conclusion of other.
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