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Can some one raise a digital circuit design project for me?

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Full Member level 4
Full Member level 4
Apr 4, 2003
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I want to design a digital circuit that can execute a task.
Can some one raise for me a project or introduce me some links?
The circuit cannot contain a uC unit!

Thank you in advance!

Re: Can some one raise a digital circuit design project for

execcute a task?
that is verry unspecific.
if (x=x+1) is a task, i would recommend a counter!


light control

How about a light control where there are several push switches in a room. You can use a flash light bulb for demonstration purposes so there is no safety problem. If the light is on, pushing a button will cause the light to go out in a minute. If the light is off, pushing a button will turn it on. If during the one minute, a button is pushed, the light stays on. Next to each button is a led display that turns on during the minute delay.

This is very practical in a big room with several exits. There can be a button at each exit.

Re: Can some one raise a digital circuit design project for

If you search HDL digtal design, you can try the chip trip of @ltera. and if you search for a digital design in general you can do the "Nurse calling" which is simply
a number of swiches distributed in patient rooms, one a patient press the SW a lamp shines at the nurse room indicating the request room after excute the service the nurse clear the lamp.


You can design a digital watch. Use 7-segments leds, counters and comparators, you can set alarm time, ...

Re: Can some one raise a digital circuit design project for

Al Farouk said:
if you search for a digital design in general you can do the "Nurse calling" which is simply
a number of swiches distributed in patient rooms, one a patient press the SW a lamp shines at the nurse room indicating the request room after excute the service the nurse clear the lamp.


This project is too simple!

Re: Can some one raise a digital circuit design project for

how designing hardware multiplier and even go futher to include an adder to make a multiply and accumulate system.

Re: Can some one raise a digital circuit design project for

how about designing an hardware multiplier and even go futher to include an adder to make a multiply and accumulate digital module.

Re: Can some one raise a digital circuit design project for

When adding a LCD driver unit, a solar panel and a matrix keyboard controller it can form an energy saving calculator. probably with alarm clock.

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