CAN protocol circuit diagram

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Jun 13, 2013
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Hello Everyone!
Can someone give me a link or a pic of the exact circuit diagram to connect lp2148 to mcp 2515 (can controller) then connect it to mcp2551 (transceiver). All I can find is block diagrams.

Hello, why are you using LP2148 use some other micro controller in which CAN module come with inbuilt, that are easy to operate.

Hello, why are you using LP2148 use some other micro controller in which CAN module come with inbuilt, that are easy to operate.

As of now I have this board to work with and I am told you can work with any board. Even if i use for example lpc2129 with inbuilt can,the slave device still needs to be connected to the can controller and transceiver in order to send the information through the bus rite,so I still require the circuit diagram.

if u explain me your's application , then i can help you because i already worked on CAN protocol

The MCP2515 utilizes an SPI interface, you simply connect it to the LPC2148 as you would any other device with an SPI interface.

The connections between the MCP2515 and MCP2551 are even simpler, two lines TXD and RXD.

Reference: **broken link removed**

Reference: **broken link removed**

Writing or porting the code for LPC2148 to drive the MCP2515 will require the most time and effort, unless of course you can find a canned API library specifically written for the LPC21xx series.

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if u explain me your's application , then i can help you because i already worked on CAN protocol

Nothing much,just transfer data from one arm 7 to another arm 7 first using can bus. I wanted to know if a osc is required for mcp 2515. what are the capacitors,resistors required,because we would be rigging up the circuit,don't have a readymade can circuit board.
Which controller have you used for your can project,and how did you go about it?

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Thanks, Rxd & txd and also Rs & Vss grounded, Vdd to 5v,is this right?
Apart from 4 spi pins,what about the osc cicuit for mcp2515,some circuit diagram they've shown the three transmit buffer connected to a resistor. not sure which one to follow.

Thanks, Rxd & txd and also Rs & Vss grounded, Vdd to 5v,is this right?
Apart from 4 spi pins,what about the osc cicuit for mcp2515....

Yes, as your initial inquiry concerned the connections between LPC2148, MCP2515 and MCP2551 I omitted any discussions of VDD, VSS, RS and OSC connections, all are necessary.

...some circuit diagram they've shown the three transmit buffer connected to a resistor. not sure which one to follow.

Are you referring to the Transmit Buffer Request To Send (TXnRTS) lines, the MCP2515 datasheet indicates there are internal pullup resisters present on those lines and are configure using the TXRTSCTRL register.

Termination must be enabled on both devices connected to the end of the CAN bus, which is why you may see some designs with a jumper to enable or disable termination, while there are several different termination standards utilized on CAN bus designs, the most common is simple a 120Ω resister across the CANL and CANH lines.

Post the schematic portraying the design element you question, so that we may examine it.

A typical design using these components utilizing an AVR instead of the LPC follows:

**broken link removed**

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