Can PIC 16F877A store memory by numeric keypad interfacing?

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Jul 30, 2008
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There are several thing that confuse me...anyone can help me here. is there PIC 16F877a can store memory by numeric keypad interfacing?? this inputs data are use for comparing input signal....

PIC 16F877A

you can; PIC16F877A has some EEPROM you can store your data even when power is removed. There are a lot of techniques how to connect a keypad to a 877. you may look at the microchip homepage for some circuit connections


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Re: PIC 16F877A

thank you for your concern...
how bout PWM? if I input a data that will use to control the pwm and then control a motor...can pic do this?

hello every one!
i am using keypad with lcd display and it works well. but i want to store the values of pressed keys into an array. can anyone tell me the exact syntax and way of doing this.
i am using pic16f877a and programming in mikroc.

@ nudrat
What you are doing currently? have you declared a single variable and whenever key is pressed you store the value in that variable and then show the data on LCD.Is it true?

I haven't use mikorc
but what you can do is,initialize an array and an 8-bit interger.whenever you press a key increament the 8-bit interger and based on that integer value you store your key number in that location of an array,you can limit your array by strict the 8-bit integer value let say if 8-bit interger value is equal to 10 then 8-bit integer is ==0.


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@cool man,

thanks for ur help. but problem is still here. can u tell me the exact syntex.

hello! everyone,

I wanted to store the value of keypressed from keypad into an array. value of keypressed is defined as kp. and then compare the value with another array. i am doing this in mikroc and pic16f877a. but it wont works. can anyone help me? am using following code.
int i;
int array[3];
int ps[] = {1,2,3,4} ;
for(i=0; i<=4; i++)
{array = kp;}
if(array == ps)
{PORTC = 0b11101111; }
else {PORTC = 0b00010000;}

int kp=0;
int array[10];

array[kp]=value;//variable value contains your keypad value.

This is just an example,i dont know about mikroc so get the idea from above procedure and try to write in mikroc.


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