Can I use TP4056 1A to charge lithium battery of 3.7V 150mA?

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You want to read the photo of the linked product thoroughly. It tells "change resistor for different current". That's in fact necessary to charge a small cell with this module.

Okay. But if I didnt add resistor and use as it is with the 3.7V 150mA battery. Will it harm?

A Lithium battery is rated for a CAPACITY, not a current. It is 160mAh which means it can supply 160mA for 1 hour.
If you overload it maybe it could produce a current of 1.6A for a few seconds and explode.

Its recommended charging current is probably 0.5 to 1 times its mAh capacity. if you charge it with 1A then it will probably explode and catch on fire.

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