I somewhere read that DC-DC converter is only good when there is a large difference between IN and OUT voltages like if IN V is 12V and OUT V is 3.3V and I also read that if there is not much difference between IN and OUT voltages then LDO is a good choice for voltage conversion.
So, In my circuit there will be a 3.7V Li-Po battery and it will be always connected to a charging circuit. The battery terminal voltage while not charging can be 3.7V and while charging it can be 4.2V or 4.5V. So, what LDO or better thing can I use which convert these (3.7V, 4.2V, 4.5V) to 3.3V. The LDO or any other device should be able to deliver 2A burst currents required by SIM900/900A while sending SMS. The PWRKEY and nRESET pins of SIM900/900A will be controlled my PIC32MX270F256D. The SIM900x will be OFF and only turned ON when accelerometer triggers the PIC. An ADXC335C is used to detect vehicle movement. If detected it will power ON SIM900x and sends alert SMS. So, SIM900 will be OFF most of the time. When vehicle is parked a button has to be pressed and this will start the ADXL335 monitering. Once the system is activated by pressing the button then only way to deactivate it is by sending an SMS.
Can I implement any better method to deactivate ? Like if activated it waits for 3 vehicle movement triggers and if there are more triggers then it will send SMS. This way if there is no vehicle movement and then owner wants to retreive the vehicle then he can press the button and deactivate it. Is this a good idea ? The unit will be fixed below the seat of vehicle and only if the seat lock is broken then the system can be deactivated by anyone. Is this better ?