Can I use JTAG ICE INSTEAD OF programmer?

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Dec 1, 2002
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how can i use jtagice isp


I want to build JTAG ICE in system debuger

I read that jtag ice can reprogram flash ( write BREAK ins. to avr for stop avr at break point )

Can I use JTAG ICE INSTEAD OF STK200 programmer to full programing avr ?

jtag ice 16

Yes,with JTAG you can do software debugging and programming of micro in both JTAG and in ISP mode.

In JTAG mode you can program FLASH and EEPROM and Fuse bits ,you can do this also in ISP mode of JTAG ICE.

jtagice isp mode

but jtag connector is different to ISP connector !

**broken link removed**

It 's work.

leilarazavi2000 said:
but jtag connector is different to ISP connector !

Thats correct because ISP uses SPI interface for programming and JTAG uses Test Port signals as defined in JTAG specs. Thats why programming algorithm and signals used in both the cases are also different. Basically programming is achieved in two totally different ways.

In AVR studio in tools menu connect to JTAG ICE.

In the appeared windows you can select JTAG as interface and program micro with JTAG port (you should use JTAG connector in hardware)

I the appeared window you can select ISP as interface and program micro with ISP port(you should use ISP connector in hardware0

i did ,t found JTAG ICE plan and avr ..

can u help me

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