can i set the current mirror ratio to 20:1

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Mar 23, 2006
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If i need a steady but not an accuracy current, can i set the current mirror ratio to

for example, I have a current source of 200uA, but I need a current of 10uA(10.5, or 9.6 are also ok, accuracy is not required, I need it to be steady), can i
set the current mirror ratio to 20:1?

can there be any other problems ?

as far as i know since accuracy is not required then there is no problem

With CMOS you should be ok scaling down currents. Scaling up can be an issue because any input noisae will alsi scale up.

definitely you can. In fact, with this ratio you can even scale up, with proper care in layout, quite accurately.

In terms of layout (or reliability) issue, I would recommend 200uA to 50uA, then 50uA to 10uA.

sure u can, but assure current mirror matching in the layout

Hi wpchan05
why u recommend 200uA to 50uA, then 50uA to 10uA in term of layout.
better matching can be got with low current ratio ?

i am using ratio of 100!!! ,, accuracy idnt concern me much as long as i am within the specified limits,,,as in my application i depend on the current gain ,,i.e. as it is bigger it is better,,,,if anyone can tell me the problem of that it would be great,,,

davidwong said:
Hi wpchan05
why u recommend 200uA to 50uA, then 50uA to 10uA in term of layout.
better matching can be got with low current ratio ?

I always limit all my current mirror ratio up to 5 or down to 1/5 so as to reduce parameters variation of the transistors within a chip. Although the first author mentioned that a high precision current gain is not required in his design, I have no confidence on expecting a current mirror with a ratio of 20:1 can achieve 95% accuracy, from a statistical point of view.

well , i f i want a certain current , then can i make sweep to get it regardless the ratio of current mirror ? is this will create a problem??,,

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