module dut_top#(
parameter WB_ADDR_WIDTH = 16,
parameter WB_DATA_WIDTH = 32,
parameter SOC_BASE_ADDRESS = 'h0F00,
parameter MAX_BOUNDRY = 'h1000
( input clock , resetn, ahb_intf ahb_if0, ahb_if1, ahb_if2, ahb_if3);
// Wishbone interface: Output from AHB2WB bridge
wb_intf wb_if();
// Output from interconnect and input to AHB2WB bridge
ahb_intf ahb_if4(clock, resetn);
// Bus Interface connected with the IP
bus_intf bus_if0();
bus_intf bus_if1();
bus_intf bus_if2();
bus_intf bus_if3();
// Connect all output from master to the input of arbiter
ahb_arbiter arbiter(ahb_if0, ahb_if1, ahb_if2, ahb_if3, ahb_if4, clock , resetn);
// AHB Arbiter output connected to wishbone bridge
BRIDGE( .adr_o(wb_if.wb_addr_i),
.hsel(1'b1), // Since one slave.. hsel is always 1.
// Connect output of bridge to the input of decoder
) decoder
(wb_if, bus_if0, bus_if1, bus_if2, bus_if3);
ip_top ( bus_if0, spi_if, clock, resetn);