[SOLVED] can i have screen info in cadence

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Junior Member level 2
Jan 13, 2011
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can i have coordinate info in cadence

i want to write a bindkey or a script. when i press a button i want it saves the current screen or monitor info and after a while when i press another button i want to see the saved screen.so one button to save another to show. i dont know maybe this is already exist.

is that possible? can you explain how?

edit: i just need to save coordinate info by pressing a button
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There are SKILL function that can capture schematic / layout views if u enter a path to cell. what u want is more like a linux print-screen function.. may be something using GIMP should be possible

how about Print Screen already existing on your keyboard?

i dont want a screenshot. i want Virtuoso screen.i will continue doing layout.
i mean i want to go to a specific point with a specific zoom. maybe x-y coordinates can be helpful.
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You will need to do some type of version control. Easiest will be to just copy the original so you can go back in case you don't want to save changes.

Well you can alway save as and make like 100s of layout views
Or depending on which version of cadence you are on you can go to File-> Export image or use print to pdf (you would have to make a little script which converts eps to pdf)

you still didnt understand what i want to know.i said i want to learn coordinates but you said print screen or pdf maybe i wasnt clear.
but i found it myself. here is the code to learn coordinates;


thanks for your attention.

You can view the coordinates of the current mouse position by clicking on: Window --> Toolbars --> Status Toolbar from within Layout editor. Make sure that the status toolbar is checked in the drop-down list. This will show your coordinates at the bottom (or top) o0f your screen.

ok but i will use coordinates for a skill script so i need codes.

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