Can I get a delay of one nano second?

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Dec 20, 2007
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is it possible to get nano second delay

Re: delay of nano second

Using a micro controller or circuits? Please elaborate your problem..

Re: delay of nano second

ssss959 said:
is it possible to get nano second delay

please post your question in detail..

thank you

Re: delay of nano second

i am doing a project
i want nano second delay
how is it possible

delay of nano second

15 or 20 cm of coax cable or PCB trace has about 1ns of delay.

Re: delay of nano second

if i want 20 or 30 nano second delay
what should i do, i cannot take 150cm cable
any code for it

delay of nano second

Maybe you could use a delay line component. They usually come in an ordinary DIP or SMD package. Search Google for various manufacturers. Here's one:

What do you mean by "code"? Computer program code or HDL code?

Re: delay of nano second

i want the program code

delay of nano second

We can't give you program code when you do not tell us what you are using. Tell us everything, then tell more. Maybe we can help.

Re: delay of nano second

i am doing a project in mfrc500 reader
i want to comminicate between controller and mfrc500
so want nano second delay

Re: delay of nano second

Tell us the clock frequency of your controller. Expecting "code" for 1ns delay, your controller must be running on 10GHz.

Re: delay of nano second

i am using 10Mhz crystal

Re: delay of nano second

I think, you do not need this delay at all.
May be you want 1us delay?

Re: delay of nano second

I am doing a project in mfrc500 reader i want to comminicate between controller and mfrc500 so want nano second delay

I think, it's basically a misunderstanding. MF RC500 has a common peripheral interface. Shouldn't need a particular delay here. In some cases, processor bus parameters may need adjusting, but a delay is rather unlikely. What's your processor and why do you think needing a delay?

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