Can anyone help me, i need +/- 5 Volt and +/- 15 stable..??

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Newbie level 4
May 15, 2004
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I need power supply wich is can give output +/- 5 Volt, +/-15 Volt and 24 Volt, all in DC, Please help me if you have Power Supply scematic diagram and what transformer should be used ?? I use that voltages for DCS Bailey Modul Power Supply, thanks alot

You have to be more specific!
What is your input voltage range?
What is the output current and ripple requirements?
What is DCS Bailey Modul Power Supply?
Should it be swithed mode?

Re: Can anyone help me, i need +/- 5 Volt and +/- 15 stable.

Hi doyo

Make clear cut requirements/specifications before posting. What is the maximum current requirements for each of the output voltages and the maximum output ripple tolerable under the full load condition? If these are known, then only one can decide the type [Linear/Switched mode] of power supply unit.

Re: Can anyone help me, i need +/- 5 Volt and +/- 15 stable.

DCS Bailey modul can't work properly if power supply voltage under +/- 5 Volt DC, +/-15 Volt DC, and 24 Volt DC, even only 0.1 Volt drop or 4.9 volt.
Range voltage which i need is (0V-5V), (-5V-0V), (0V-15V), (-15V-0V), (24V) DC, with correction factor = +/-0,05 Volt , thanks..

Please be more specific!!!
What about output current and input voltage??
What is DCS Bailey?

You can find alot of power supply schematics here:

Why should the voltage range be 0 to 5V if you only need 5V +-0.05V?
You description is very poor, so you can't get much help.

Re: Can anyone help me, i need +/- 5 Volt and +/- 15 stable.

Thanks alot, but i stiil confuse, maybe tomorrow i will give u detail problem..

Re: Can anyone help me, i need +/- 5 Volt and +/- 15 stable.

you use two channel AC-27V transformer,after rectifier and LM7824/7924,you can get +/-24V(-24 ignore),then use LM7815/7915,you can get +/-15V,same way,use LM7805/7905,you can get +/-5V

Re: Can anyone help me, i need +/- 5 Volt and +/- 15 stable.

alphi said:
you use two channel AC-27V transformer,after rectifier and LM7824/7924,you can get +/-24V(-24 ignore),then use LM7815/7915,you can get +/-15V,same way,use LM7805/7905,you can get +/-5V

Doyo was asking correction of +/- 0.05 Volt.. I don't think your solution would work.. Even with a trimmer using an LM317 and 337 depending of the variation in temperature that would not work either. Maybe whith a stable voltage reference and a buffer through an op-amp and output buffer he would be able to achieve his goals.. However as other mentionned his description on output current are not there, so effectively hard to know what exactly would be suitable.


Re: Can anyone help me, i need +/- 5 Volt and +/- 15 stable.

That's correct a 7805 is only 5 V +- 0.25V

Re: Can anyone help me, i need +/- 5 Volt and +/- 15 stable.

I have Power Supply (name: IEPAS) for Distribution Control System (DCS) Module, which have specification :
Input :
Power : 102-132 VAC
204-264 VAC
Frequency : 47-63 Hz
Input Current : 1.6 amp max per Power Supply Module
Inrush Current : < 15 amp per supply module fully loaded

Input System :
harmonic Distortion : 5 %
Max Interuption repetitive : 1 cycle
Max line noise +/- 100 % line amplitude (for 2 microsecond every 1/2 cycle)

Output :
25.5 VDC, +/- 0.6 %, @ 4 amps
5.1 VDC, +/- 2 %, @ 10 amps
+ 15 VDC, +/- 6 %, @ 0.5 amps
- 15 VDC, +/- 6 %, @ 0.5 amps

Please help me about Scematic Diagram with output like above, thanks

Re: Can anyone help me, i need +/- 5 Volt and +/- 15 stable.

looking at your specifications you dont need a Very accurate output tolerance. you can use any SMPS based topology for your application.

Re: Can anyone help me, i need +/- 5 Volt and +/- 15 stable.

Hope this circuit helps.
C1-C3 are equal. Notice + sign. These are electrolitic caps. Notice also the LM7805. It is voltage regulator. I believe it has been discontinued. Find out which is next from National semiconductors. LM7812 is for 12volts, I dont remember for 24 volts.

The second circuit is zener controlled. For example you can pick up zener diodes with ratings 15V, 5V, 24volts.

Transformer are like for example in second circuit (zener) 1:11 to produce 12Volts AC. These are sold in stores.

Hope this circuit helps. cheers

Re: Can anyone help me, i need +/- 5 Volt and +/- 15 stable.

This circuit is useless for the purpose.
Requrements: 5.1 VDC, +/- 2 %, @ 10 amps

LM7805 is nowhere near +/- 2 % or 10 amps!

And the zener soloution is even worse.

If you read the whole topic you will see the LM7805 have already been suggested.

Re: Can anyone help me, i need +/- 5 Volt and +/- 15 stable.

Sorry I did not read through it, I apologize. 10A is quite big.

Everything starts from the step-down transformer.

If transformer is 1.5A you can use 2 diodes full wave-rectification schemes to make 3A and so on. The rest just finding a regulator IC to operate at 10A. The highest one I know is LM350K (rated at 3A).

There are some here if interest occurs: **broken link removed**

I think it would be better to use switch mode technology, then you can cover the whole input voltage range from 102 VAC to 264 VAC without having to change anything.
It would also be easier to handle such high curents without having big heat dissapation problems.

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