Passive biasing is still used widely in biasing of discrete circuits and transistors, it depends on the voltage division using resistors potential divider, its main advantage is the simplicity of biasing, yet the main disad is the high sensitvity to supply variation, as it directly depends on the supply for obtainig the desired voltage drop.
Active biasing is dominant in IC design, tolerances in monolithic resistors up to 20% make it un-practical for passive basing on-chip.
Active biasing is composed of a bias cell core(PTAT,constant-gm,band gap) which generates a reference current, and current mirroring transistors to mirror current from bias cell to the the desired circuit with a well defined ratio from the refernce current.
Active biasing topics can be found in many literature, Design of Analog Integrated circuits, by P. Gary and Meyer is a good place to read about it.