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can any one convert .m to .exe for me

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Jan 6, 2006
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convert m file to exe

hi all,
i have to convert .m to .exe. i saw the command in the matlab help but it doesn't work, mcc -m <filename>

i also attached the file. please convert this to exe.


convert .m to .exe

Matlab does not support object orientated compiling. So that's probably the reason. Please check on this though.

Best regards,

.m to .exe converter

for i=0:63,
for j=0:15,
for k=0:7,
y = x(i,ii+k);

There are some problems with your code. Matlab array indices start from 1, not 0. So you first have to make sure your script runs correctly from the Matlab command window or pressing F5 when you are in the Matlab Editor.
What is this script for? Are you making some processing to the image. If so, you are trying to save the results into a variable y, which is not a vector, you will get only the value of the last processed pixel on y.

After this, if you want to make an executable from your script, you have to save it as a function, i.e.

function Y = imageproc(x)
where x could be the transformed image, or even a string with the name of the picture you want to process.

Then, you just call the command

mcc -m imageproc

And that will create your .exe, along with some other needed files to be run independently.

Hope it works.

convert .m to exe

Why do you want to convert *.m to *.exe?
exe file need matlab runtime files therefor there is no difference between them.

matlab .m to .exe

Is there anyway to convert the .m files to .exe file, where we can run it independently without running matlab environment?

I hope can make all the things into 1 folder then execute it although no matlab installed.

convert m file to exe file

Hi "leekk8"
exe needs matlab on your system.

convert matlab code into executable

hi mendozaulises,
The code is working fine. i am creating an output file which will read out hex values of the image (this image is 1bit per pixel). my code is working fine, what i need is i need to run the code with out having matlab installed.

leekk understood my point, but putting the code is a particular folder does not work.

thanks for your relies,

please help me.

how to convert m file to exe

Is it confirmed that we can't write any program in matlab then execute it independently without matlab installed?

how to convert .m to .exe

hi leekk8,
i saw this in mathwork website. below is the site. just check it on COMPILATION PROCESS under that topic u can see 'stand alone executables' . i tryed it but i got a message saying that "the current compiler can not do this process"


convertor .m to exe

hey i found how to convert the .m to .exe format.

you just need to add one line at the first line of your program.
function <filename>()

for example is your file name is test.m then you need to add
function test()

bacause matlab could not convert script format so we need to convert the program to a function.

convert matlab into executable code

recent MATLAB ENVIRONMENT provides a .m to .c file conversion.
then after u can compile to get seperate executable file.

convert m-file to exe

can you brief on what you said?

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