You have a panel antenna in the 5 GHz ism band. (5.725 GHz to 5.875 GHz. Right?)
5.1 to 5.8 - it is WiMax
The panel has 60 degree beamwidth in one plane. (How about the other plane?)
Another plane is 4 degrees I believe
The panel is dual polarized. (I assume dual linear)
Yes, vertical and horizontal
You would like to increase the beamwidth to 120 degrees. (Just one plane and not the other? 60 degrees to 120 degrees? I understand this to be the E plane for one polarization and the H plane for the other.)
You would like to not disturb the panel. Do you have additional information about the panel? Size? Gain? E and H plane patterns for each polarization? I assume that it is some sort of an array? Element description? Layout? ( 60 degrees seems a bit wide for an array. I would have expected a more narrow patten. Is the panel just a single element? Is it producing a wide patten in one and a narrow one in the other, a linear array for example?)
It is linear vertical array of 16 patches.
Is the 120 degree target in just one plane? Which one? Do you care about pattens in the orthogonal plane?
Ideally one plane only. Another plane should stay 4 deg.
Do you have other physical constraints?
In placement of augmenting structure I am limited with the surface of existing antenna
You have been able to increase the B plane patterns but not E plane patterns with scattering elements.
You are using a simulator and do not have an antenna range available. You have correlated measurements and simulations on similar antennas. That is reassuring and I would proceed with your simulator.
So far the experiments with the scattering elements have increased the magnetic field plane patterns but not the electric field plane. ( I am trying to make sure I understand your description relative to feed polarization, pattern plane, antenna panel and the final objective.)
I am still bothered by what you are telling me about how you see spreading in the B plane and not the E plane. Maybe I am missing something in your description. Many years ago I had some success with a turnstyle antenna radiating into a cone to spread the pattern. It produced an "circularly polarized omni" from a teardrop shaped feed patten. That you are having trouble here perplexes me.
I thought more about it and I believe it makes sense.
If we think how scatterer works, in the core of it's function is the fact the EM field induces current on the scatterer. This current causes re-radiation of EM field.
When E field vector coincides with direction of the scatterer it works effectively.
When E-field vector is perpendicular to the direction of the scatterer, it is not.
This hints the simulator shows the right thing.
It does not help me to solve the problem