[SOLVED] Can a led glow different colors at different instances?

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Sep 13, 2013
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can an led glow different colors at different instances...
if its not so then how a tv displays a colour at an instant and other at next time

Re: variable colour single led

Yes and No!
LED's are normally one colour, but put three together of colours Red, Green and Blue and you can generate the different colours that you see by varying the mix of the intensity of each LED.
Same principle as in a CRT or LCD screen.
Your eye's in combination with your brains interpretation of the colours seen, produce the different colours we perceive.

Re: variable colour single led

yes u can have single led multiple color by using RGB LED having four leads as follows
1 - red
2 - green
3 - blue
4 - ground.
Re: variable colour single led

Some of my solar garden lights have a single LED with red, green and blue chips inside and also inside is an IC that sequences the colours slowly.
I made "mood lights" that shine on the ceiling with millions of different colors. They use red, green and blue LEDs, each with its own fading oscillator.
Re: variable colour single led

can an led glow different colors at different instances...
if its not so then how a tv displays a colour at an instant and other at next time

A single LED junction produces only a single colour.
Multiple colours are produced by packaging different colour LED junctions very close together in a single package.

Re: variable colour single led

if you google television or such............ wiki has a good description

Re: variable colour single led

if you google television or such............ wiki has a good description

Here is an excellent presentation. A little fast, but you can watch carefully. Pause, digest, understand. Check it out.

**broken link removed**

Re: variable colour single led

Ok here are my views I think you are interested to know about LED tv, now mostly in the market commercial television those are said by sales people "LED" tv are actually LED backlight LCD tv. So these work on principle of LCD. However there are LED tv's are even available which are mainly used in video wall application. These displays mostly uses a pixel as tri-color led's and the intensity of these all three color led's can be controllable simultaneously.......

Good luck
Re: variable colour single led

as i given led diagram in #3 post use that one and if you want to glow to read then supply at only read pin if green then only supply green only and same for blue.
and combination of three using variable voltage you can get different color as you want.

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