Newbie level 5
I am installing IBM cmrf7sf6AM on my computer. Calibre DRC, LVS are ok. But I check the calibre PEX, there are an error: Compilation Error:
This is the code which makes error (line 90 is in red):
I don't think the rule file has error. There must be something wrong in configuration but I cannot find it. Any advice? please help me.
This is the code which makes error (line 90 is in red):
PEX MAP ndiff nsd psd nstap nwtap pwtap
[COLOR="#FF0000"]PEX MAP ndiff nsd psd[/COLOR]
PEX MAP PC pc_par pc_mod1 ngate pgate ngate_rf pgate_rf bondPad_top_PC pcResEnds opppcres_bb opppcres_sx opppcres_nw oprppres_bb oprppres_sx oprppres_nw oprrpres_bb oprrpres_sx oprrpres_nw rr_serp_seed_nw rr_serp_seed_sx rr_serp_seed_bb