Ok, I assume You have inductive load and situation is as follows:
1. Steady state: -When triac ic off, RC is forming conducting path from AC line to load and there will be about 8mA current flowing throug RC and into the load, dissipating around 6mW on the 100 ohm resistor.
- When triac is on there is negligible current flow trough RC
2. Transient: When triac switces from on to off, voltage spike will force the current to flow through RC, dissipating some energy on R and charging C. When the spike will dissapear C will discharhe through R and load and situation will return to steady state. Power dissipated on R depends on spike voltage and duration (load inductance).
The main question is, do You use this circuit for dimming (60 on-off cycles per second) or only to switch the load on and off in longer time period?