Calculation for ZXCT1083 current monitor

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We are using the ZXCT1083 current monitor.
We wish to have a hi side sense resistor of 0.51R
Also, we wish to have both RGT’s= 22k
Also RG = 100k
Can you confirm that when 500mA flows in the sense resistor, the voltage at the “OUT” pin will be
0.5A * 0.51R * 100k/22k = 1.16V ?
The current flowing in RG will be 11.6uA . (this seems very low..possibly subject to accuracy issues?)
The datasheet does not state what the limits are on the RG and RGT resistors.

ZXCT1083 datasheet

Most parameters are stated in the datasheet, except for input offset current. Respectively you don't know which part of the specified error is caused by offset current and supposed to increase with higher Rgt. Error specifications are for Rgt=5k, so expect a certain increase.
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