Calculate the intrinsic elements of FET using ADS, help!

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Newbie level 6
May 19, 2008
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Hi everyone,

I have tried to calculate the intrinsic parameters (Cgs, Cgd, Cds, Ri, gm, gd and Tau) which are functions of the biasing conditions by ADS tool but I cannot simulate it.

How do I measure them in ADS tool?

Thank pancho_hideboo,

However I want to measure the intrinsic parameters: Cgs, Cgd, Cds, Ri, gm, gd and Tau which are as functions of source-to-gate voltage.

GameKing said:
However I want to measure the intrinsic parameters: Cgs, Cgd, Cds, Ri, gm, gd and Tau which are as functions of source-to-gate voltage.
You can't measure these directly.

You have to determine these by fitting with varying bias points.

Some parameters such as gm and gd, you can measure directly.

I want to determine the gm,gm',gm'' in ADS
how can I calculate them?

I want to determine the gm,gm',gm'' in ADS
how can I calculate them?

By definition...
\[\displaystyle Gm=\frac{\partial Ids}{\partial Vgs }\]

in ADS, connect a I_Probe.i element and use diff command sequentially and find your \[GmGm'Gm''\]
I mean
\[ Gm=\frac{\partial Ic}{\partial Vbe}\]
\[ Gm'=diff(Gm)\]

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thanks for answer
I did it but when I sweep the Vgs and want to get gm vs. vgs but ADS gives me gm v. freq
how can I dram curve gm vs. Vgs?

thanks for answer
I did it but when I sweep the Vgs and want to get gm vs. vgs but ADS gives me gm v. freq
how can I dram curve gm vs. Vgs?

Do Swept DC simulation..Put your Vgs voltage as a variable in DC Simulation block and then obtain Ids versus Vgs...
Then differentiate it..
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