calculate the frame rate for a camera

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It depends on several things.
Is this a CMOS or a CCD?
If CCD what speed of A/D converter are you using?
If CMOS what # taps and A/D speed on taps are you using?
Basically it's either
CCD - X res * y res = # reads / Mhz rate of A/D. So if you have 1,000,000 pixels in an array, and a 10Mhz A/D, you'll get 10FPS.
With CMOS you do the same but it's X res * y Res for # reads, then / # taps*tap speed. So if it's a 10 tap camera @ 1 Mhz each tap, it's 10Mhz readout rate.
This doesn't take into account vertical or parallel clock shifts, it assumes the readout is the limiting component, which it almost always is..

This may bear on the question in an indirect manner. Windows MovieMaker gives you a choice of quality levels when exporting a movie as a wmv file.

It will show various frame sizes, frame rates, bit rates. These are chosen to make the movie look good when viewed at various connection speeds.

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