Cadstar Lite file locations suddenly changed

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Advanced Member level 3
Jun 13, 2011
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....I was just wondering if you might know what i have done to make the TOOLS - OPTIONS - FILE LOCATIONS suddenly change?

for some reason this no longer points to the usual file locations.

I havent changed these file paths, and am wondering how they have suddenly changed?

Where did they point to and where do they point to now?

Have you used/saved/opened a workspace since you last looked at the paths?
If so where was the workspace stored?

Thanks very much

I have to keep opening and closing the workspace so that parts entered into the library editor are available in the schematic editor.

I do have two workspaces saved, maybe i possibly opened the wrong one.


This explains things.

When you do not use a workspace, any settings you enter into CADSTAR are saved into the registry and are available the next time you run CADSTAR just the same.
As soon as you open a workspace (a workspace is akin to a project settings file) ALL the settings can change to those entered in the workspace. Once you close the workspace then the settings will revert to those in your registry. If you open a different workspace then the settings from within the new workspace will be in effect.

For every project it is advisable to change paths such as the manufacturing output, initial directory etc. This is done using the workspace files as when you save one you are saving CADSTAR in the state it is at that time.

Chances are that your settings are not set the same in both your registry and your workspaces.

If I start a new project I start CADSTAR so have the default settings, then save a new workspace (in the projects folder) and change the paths etc - from then on I am working within the workspace.

WORKSPACES !!!!:roll:
They are an axcellent feature, I have used them since at least 2001.
They can have their little foilbles, but worth learning what you can control in them. Since I started using them I havn't opened a schematic or layout directly, but always used a workspace.
Set up the basic Cadstar (no workspaces open) to point to the folder you keep all your workspaces in. That is the Initial Design Directory, then always use Open Workspace.

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