Attributes are very useful, congrats on finding out how the text library is defined however it's better to use the GUI these days as it has lots of error checking in it.
There are different "usages" of attributes depending upon where you want to use them.
Symbol = only available on a schematic, can be edited in the schematic. Value is an example of this.
(Note - VALUE and Value are different things in the CADSTAR library, just duplicate the contents in them.)
Component = Only available on the component, in the PCB.
"Symbol and Component" = Used on both the schematic symbol and the PCB component.
The three above are editable within the scm\pcb if needs be.
The last 2 types are:
Part Definition & Part Library.
Part Definition = information that cannot be displayed on your schematic or PCB nor edited in either but can be seen within the attribute editor in them.
This is used for information's such as "Manufacturers name" Manufacturers order code" suppliers name, order code and so on.
All Hyperlinks are this type of attribute.
Parts Library = This type is not used by CADSTAR, so there is no point in using it as Part Definition achieves the same thing.
If you make a symbol or component attribute read only then it can i.e. be seen on the schematic but not modified except within the part library itself.
These attributes are library attributes, there are several other types of attribute
Whatever you do, do not mix your attribute types in multiple library files (cannot make parts index then), also if you change the type of an attribute once it has been bought into a design then its a PITA to get rid of it.