... what defines the critical charge of the node? is it the magnitude of the strike where there is a warning about the "current exceeding the limit imax" or when there is a oxide breakdown i.e.,
Warning - "The bulk-drain junction current exceeds 'imax'." occurs at Qcoll=50fC
Warning - "Oxide Breakdown" occurs at Qcoll=1000fC.
I don't understand this 1
st warning: "The bulk-drain junction current exceeds 'imax'." occurs at Qcoll=50fC
Say the collected current pulse has a duration of
only t=1ns, then I=Q/t = 50e-15As/1e-9s = 50µA -- not really a high current, nothing which could destroy anything.
An estimation for the 2
nd warning: To generate one electron charge in silicon, you need an energy of the
order of the band gap energy, 1.2eV in silicon, let's calculate with 1eV : A
single α-particle with an energy of, say, 5MeV , transferring its total energy and creating 1 electron charge per eV would create a charge of 5e6 *1.6e-19 As = 8e-13 As =800fC . In a junction (either depletion zone or gate-to-channel) of C=100fF this creates a voltage V = Q/C = 800fC/100fF = 8V .
This is for a (simultaneously)
single impinging 5MeV particle. Hence a protection diode between gate and bulk is advisable, same as for antenna protection.