Cadence Virtuoso: Plotting Inductance and Quality Factor Curves, and Transistor Adjustments for Inductor Replacement


Aug 17, 2024
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Hey everyone, I'm stuck on a few tasks for my project using Cadence virtuoso. I tried searching for answers online but couldn't find any helpful information.
  1. How can I plot the inductance (L) curve and the quality factor (Q) curve for an inductor (using nport instance)? Any tips on extracting these from S-parameters?
  2. I have a circuit with a normal inductor, and I want to replace it with a different one. To do this, I need to adjust the characteristics of the transistors. What steps should I follow to make these adjustments correctly?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

1. If your NPORT is an inductor model from some vendor, you probably can get the inductance and Q-factor plots from the datasheet...
2. I think, more details required here. What kind of circuit you are working on? What do you mean by a "normal" inductor?

I recommend that you develop Calculator expressions for
inductor V(t) and dI(t)/dt, and then you can plot L as the
classic formula by plotting both of those and then changing
X axis to whatever basis-vector you chose (could be time,
either of those, something else in the circuit if plottable).

Normal or abnormal inductor, you can get terminal L from
terminal v(t), i(t) by results-math.

From two port SP simulations, L between the two ports can be derived as:

imag(-1/ypm('sp 1 2))/(2*3.14159*xval(spm('sp 1 2))

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