[SOLVED] Cadence view setting

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Member level 3
Oct 28, 2006
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Hi Everyone,

I have been using Mentor Graphic PAD to do layout for a long time. Now, the company is switching over to Cadence PCB. I get used to the view of PAD layout (view of PCB decal, explorer window on the right with all the component). I would like to ask do Cadence have the view like PAD (explore list of component and net). I been play around with Cadence, and I notice there is a 3 tap on the left. I play around with those setting but still can not find the option.

BTW, i noticed PAD has component property, list all the detail of the component. I noticed Cadence does not have the option (only show element).


You have add the information library it self..you can see all the information.it user friendly tool..
You can export all the libraries from your board and view the components.It will be in the .dra format.
In case if you only want to view the pad properties, you can go to TOOLS-MODIFY DESIGN PADSTACK.
If you want to view all the nets . Select show element(F4) and in the side you will have a FIND tab..
you can find net by name or if you go to more it will show a filter for all the nets...
Explorer window like pads is not available in allegro,but it has lot many user friendly options..

for finding nets and components u can use the find tab on tight side...attached image for your reference...

- - - Updated - - -

Press F4,select the comp in find window and select the component,it will display the component property.


  • find.JPG
    59.9 KB · Views: 119
Thank you everyone,

I began to get the use of it.


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