Cadence Spice level Problem

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Nov 30, 2005
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is model level 49 supported by cadence

I am using the TSMC 0.18um model files. When I run the simulator I get an error which says level=49 not supported. I think this is the spice level parameter mentioned in the model file.
Just to see if it works fine, I changed the level to 11 and it seems to work. Is this ok for simulating(are the results going to differ a lot from level 49)? If not, how can I make the tool work for level=49?

I am using version IC5141.

Appreciate any inputs on this. Thanks.

is model level 49 supported by cadence

If TSMC could guarantee the result of changing spice level, that's OK. In general, if your simulation does not require accurate results or it is just DC performance, I guess it is OK. Otherwise, the result may be different.

cadence hspices

When u r running HSPICE then level=49 is supported.But when u r using spectre then change the level to level=11. Both HSPICE and spectre results are compatible.If u r using Simetrix then keep the level as Level = 49.If this has helped u , then press the helped me button, it doesnt cost u any points.

cadence spectre change bsim level

The results of the simulation may vary drastically depending on the type of design and simulation you are running. If you consider the BSIM levels 11 and 49 there would be a a lot of change. Many new parameters are added to emulate new effects. So, don't take the results to be granted if your design is complicated enough and that it needs high accuracy.

For model compatibility check for the presence of necessary model cards in the library.


cadence 16 model level 49

By changing level 49 to level 8 you can use winspice instead of Pspice. Pspice works with level 1-3 only

level 49 level 7 spice

Bilgin Metin said:
By changing level 49 to level 8 you can use winspice instead of Pspice. Pspice works with level 1-3 only

Level 7 in Pspice is equivalent to level 49 in Hspice and bsim3v3 in Spectre.

spice level 1

Dear Suhas:

In case you are seriously working upon this project.
The best way is to ask a Spectre model of this process
formally from the foundry. So that model parameters shall
be gauranteed to their best knowledge.

"Changing model parameters is highly risky"
considering hundreds of thousands of maskset and wafer fee.
Unless the simulation is just an college homework.

Best Regards,
Reactions: santom


    Points: 2
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Re: spice level 1

I completely agree with the user jcpu.His/Her comment is so right when it comes to check the transistor for new LEVEL. Its just not a matter of changing the LEVEL number in the SPICE file as there is a pure technology called Device Modeling behind this single word LEVEL. So try using the right level number once you are sure that you have that LEVEL inbuilt in your CAD environment.


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