Cadence PSPICE AD Lite problem

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Newbie level 1
May 13, 2014
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Hi there everyone,
I'm currently busy trying to complete my seminar project and I ran into a bit of a problem. I'm quite new to the whole pspice related stuff and I'm avare that this problem might me fairly basic but I have no idea how to solve this.
So the task was to get the schematic of Cable Amplifier using OPA660 from Texas Instruments website and then "test the ability to transfer digital dual-state signals of 0V and 1V levels and experimetally determin the highest possible transmission rate(bit rate) of the processed data." I'm quite sure that i have to basically change the imput source to 0-1V pulse, but the exact form somehow escapes me. The output should be a graph where the square wave gradually deforms but I just don't get how to achieve it exactly. So if anybody knows how to solve this please let me know, any help will be hugely apreciated and do not hesitate to ask for any further information to help you understand my problem assuming I didn't express everything clearly enough.
Thanks Mark

If you are looking for - How to create a Pulse source in PSpice - Try Place>PSpice Component>Source>Independent Source. This would enable you to quickly define and place source of your choice.
Hope this helps.

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