Cadence IC5033 Warning Message

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T Zul

Member level 2
Oct 6, 2003
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I sort of have this problem when installing the NCSU Design Kit to the server. Somehow, I got this message at the client:

sh: /mnt/net/IC5033/local/bin/xmesg: /usr/local/bin/wish: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

Can someone shed some light on this issue?

T Zul

check the paths of sh, xmesg, wish, etc. if they do exist.

The path is correct but the xmesg program inside is programmed for Solaris not Linux.

Does anybody modify this program before?

T Zul

T Zul said:
The path is correct but the xmesg program inside is programmed for Solaris not Linux.

Does anybody modify this program before?

T Zul

You may try to trace xmesg if it is a script file.

Do you have tcl/tk installed?

Checked if both apps/scripts are in your PATH with "which" ?

I don't really understand by installed tcl/tk?

Yes, it is a script.

T Zul

tcl/tk is a programming language...if you´re familiar with UNIX you know it (o;

Dunno if it required by C@dence though...

T Zul said:
I don't really understand by installed tcl/tk?

Yes, it is a script.

T Zul

You may try to look thru the script and search for something like /usr/bin/sh....

If you found something in doubt, use which command to check if it is available, for example

which sh

Here is the solution from NCSU cadence site.


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