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Since I had so much trouble with this (didn't work first try!) and had to piece together many seperate contributions, I will make a small guide here. Hopefully, it will now work first time for you instead! Please donate a few points if you find it helpful, or I will donate some points to you if you find mistake!
Note: This is not a list of everything you need to know, just a quick guide so you can say: "aha! I have that trouble too!"
Many thanks (I know not allowed!) to icg22 and all the others who made good documentation of their works so to make this guide complete.
1) Installed blank 40GB drive into WinXP pc, prepared for the worst dual-boot trobles ever...
2) Setup 40GB drive in BIOS which overtook IDE-0, so I had to change boot options to boot IDE-1 (old XP drive) first - to see if it worked..
It worked. XP did not see the drive, but bios did - who cares about XP?!
3) Boot from Redhat 8 CDROM - Installation VERY easy, must format /hdb (new 40GB drive) and install partitions. Made 2GB swap partition for my 1GB RAM, left the rest to redhat. Chose workstation options with a few more development stuffs on top. Last, created new account for root, and one additional user, cad.
4) Copy !c5 cd's to cad's directory (/home/cad) and begin installation with
>sh SETUP.SH or >./SETUP.SH - i am still learning why my scripts need some sort of "push" to get them started, I think >SETUP.SH should work from my old experiences on Debian MIPS for SGI Indy..
5) In installation, choose "Catalog" when asked for a license, so it installs without verifying. Trying to verify an efa-generated license (using choice email) failed.
If you copied your CDs to the hdd, you will have to redirect some fetches to the cd when given a choice..
#1) Local
#2) Other
then give a path like /home/cad/CDROM1 or /home/cad/CDROM2 during installation. If you only mount the cds it will probably be /mnt/CDROM and /mnt/CDROM1
6) Complete the very-strange, text mode shell script installer while it makes many ...... and counts up to 100%
7) Now edit your environment variables.. Screwing this up causes a lot of troubles. for example
-Screwing up CDS_ROOT and icms won't run with error message about cds_root
-Screwing up CDS_LIC_FILE gives you programs that die fast when they see you have no license
-Screwing up XKEYSYMDB gives you many many annoying warnings about converting string to VirtualBinding.. Seen with many programs, developers should try to warn people about this like netscape does@!
I still have not fixed a font alias, so I still get a warning about adobe-helvetica-...... but CDS is smart enough to use a good font instead.
Here's how to setup for RedHat 8: Putting environment variables in /etc/profile (for all user) or /home/cad/.bash_profile get all the PATH right but do not propagate the XKEY stuff, so I still get all the VirtualBinding warnings even when they are set right. (type $XKEYSYMDB at bash prompt to puke out the file, or only the 'file not found' link if it fails). Setting this XKEY variable by hand from a terminal window and rerunning icms then gives no problem! I now put all env. variables in /home/cad/.bashrc (only for user cad) and it works very nicely.
--------------Excerpt from .bashrc-----------------------------
export CDS_LIC_FILE=/home/cad/ic5/license.dat
export CDS_ROOT=/home/cad/ic5/
export CDS_Netlisting_Mode=Analog
export CDSDIR=/home/cad/c@dence/tools
export XKEYSYMDB=$CDS_ROOT/share/cdssetup/tdmX11/XKeysymDB
export XNLSPATH=$CDS_ROOT/share/cdssetup/tdmX11/nls
export PATH
I know I use too many PATH, but I was commenting each out to see if they made any difference. One note is that my old XKeysymDB file is bigger, and contains all the things cadence does and more. Also runs fine if you point to the old one. XKEYSYMDB=/usr/X11r6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB
8) Now you logout, and on next login you can run icms from any terminal, and all paths and dependencies seem OK so far - only 3-4h use, but I am a heavy user.
That font problem can be fixed with an alias like another post, but it causes no functional fail like I mentioned. If someone has a patch for the font warning, pleast post here.
Two final notes:
In order to boot XP from a redhat GRUB, you must reverse-map the partitions (not the whole drive, that does not work all the time) before running chainloader or you will only hang your PC.
in /etc/grub.conf, change the commands about 'DOS' to
map (hd0,0) (hd1,0)
map (hd1,0) (hd0,0)
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
chainloader +1
Also, when in XP, use Paragon Ext2FS (in Paragon HDD Manager) to mount your linux disk to G: or some windows drive. VERY NICE to dump CD's and other stuffs to your linux partition. (And since windows has no idea about ROOT, anyone can edit /etc/profile and other root-only files using notepad) Nothing made for linux can mount a winXP NTFS drive, so this is the only good way to swap data on 2-disk, dual boot. Single disk cannot even use NTFS, so you must have FAT32 or linux will simply wipe your NT when you try to install linux onto a NTFS drive.
Since I had so much trouble with this (didn't work first try!) and had to piece together many seperate contributions, I will make a small guide here. Hopefully, it will now work first time for you instead! Please donate a few points if you find it helpful, or I will donate some points to you if you find mistake!
Note: This is not a list of everything you need to know, just a quick guide so you can say: "aha! I have that trouble too!"
Many thanks (I know not allowed!) to icg22 and all the others who made good documentation of their works so to make this guide complete.
1) Installed blank 40GB drive into WinXP pc, prepared for the worst dual-boot trobles ever...
2) Setup 40GB drive in BIOS which overtook IDE-0, so I had to change boot options to boot IDE-1 (old XP drive) first - to see if it worked..
It worked. XP did not see the drive, but bios did - who cares about XP?!
3) Boot from Redhat 8 CDROM - Installation VERY easy, must format /hdb (new 40GB drive) and install partitions. Made 2GB swap partition for my 1GB RAM, left the rest to redhat. Chose workstation options with a few more development stuffs on top. Last, created new account for root, and one additional user, cad.
4) Copy !c5 cd's to cad's directory (/home/cad) and begin installation with
>sh SETUP.SH or >./SETUP.SH - i am still learning why my scripts need some sort of "push" to get them started, I think >SETUP.SH should work from my old experiences on Debian MIPS for SGI Indy..
5) In installation, choose "Catalog" when asked for a license, so it installs without verifying. Trying to verify an efa-generated license (using choice email) failed.
If you copied your CDs to the hdd, you will have to redirect some fetches to the cd when given a choice..
#1) Local
#2) Other
then give a path like /home/cad/CDROM1 or /home/cad/CDROM2 during installation. If you only mount the cds it will probably be /mnt/CDROM and /mnt/CDROM1
6) Complete the very-strange, text mode shell script installer while it makes many ...... and counts up to 100%
7) Now edit your environment variables.. Screwing this up causes a lot of troubles. for example
-Screwing up CDS_ROOT and icms won't run with error message about cds_root
-Screwing up CDS_LIC_FILE gives you programs that die fast when they see you have no license
-Screwing up XKEYSYMDB gives you many many annoying warnings about converting string to VirtualBinding.. Seen with many programs, developers should try to warn people about this like netscape does@!
I still have not fixed a font alias, so I still get a warning about adobe-helvetica-...... but CDS is smart enough to use a good font instead.
Here's how to setup for RedHat 8: Putting environment variables in /etc/profile (for all user) or /home/cad/.bash_profile get all the PATH right but do not propagate the XKEY stuff, so I still get all the VirtualBinding warnings even when they are set right. (type $XKEYSYMDB at bash prompt to puke out the file, or only the 'file not found' link if it fails). Setting this XKEY variable by hand from a terminal window and rerunning icms then gives no problem! I now put all env. variables in /home/cad/.bashrc (only for user cad) and it works very nicely.
--------------Excerpt from .bashrc-----------------------------
export CDS_LIC_FILE=/home/cad/ic5/license.dat
export CDS_ROOT=/home/cad/ic5/
export CDS_Netlisting_Mode=Analog
export CDSDIR=/home/cad/c@dence/tools
export XKEYSYMDB=$CDS_ROOT/share/cdssetup/tdmX11/XKeysymDB
export XNLSPATH=$CDS_ROOT/share/cdssetup/tdmX11/nls
export PATH
I know I use too many PATH, but I was commenting each out to see if they made any difference. One note is that my old XKeysymDB file is bigger, and contains all the things cadence does and more. Also runs fine if you point to the old one. XKEYSYMDB=/usr/X11r6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB
8) Now you logout, and on next login you can run icms from any terminal, and all paths and dependencies seem OK so far - only 3-4h use, but I am a heavy user.
That font problem can be fixed with an alias like another post, but it causes no functional fail like I mentioned. If someone has a patch for the font warning, pleast post here.
Two final notes:
In order to boot XP from a redhat GRUB, you must reverse-map the partitions (not the whole drive, that does not work all the time) before running chainloader or you will only hang your PC.
in /etc/grub.conf, change the commands about 'DOS' to
map (hd0,0) (hd1,0)
map (hd1,0) (hd0,0)
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
chainloader +1
Also, when in XP, use Paragon Ext2FS (in Paragon HDD Manager) to mount your linux disk to G: or some windows drive. VERY NICE to dump CD's and other stuffs to your linux partition. (And since windows has no idea about ROOT, anyone can edit /etc/profile and other root-only files using notepad) Nothing made for linux can mount a winXP NTFS drive, so this is the only good way to swap data on 2-disk, dual boot. Single disk cannot even use NTFS, so you must have FAT32 or linux will simply wipe your NT when you try to install linux onto a NTFS drive.