cadence ic 5141 on redhat 9 or enterprise 4 AS

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Dec 15, 2005
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cadence ic

I have successfully installed cadence ic 5141 (3cd of base and 3 cd of isr) on redhat 9, but do not know what to do next, i do not know how to set enviroment and set license, even though there is tons of discussion here, I still ge stuck. Could anybody provide detail instructions on how to setup after installation on Redhat 9 or Redhat Enterprise 4 AS? ( I am just a beginner of Linux, I know how to install and also know the very basic stuff, but not very famalir with the linux command) thanks! by the way, the path where I install is : /usr/cadence/

cadence ic

see these 2 posts

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cadence ic5141 download

I did read these two before, but do they apply to 5141 on AS 3 or 4, what is your experience? Thanks.

cadence ic 5141

I didn't run IC5141 in RH9 and RHEL4. But I run IC5141 on RH7.3 and RHEL3. icds,icfb and dracula run well on RH7.3.
icds and icfb run well on RHEL3 but dracula get core dump on RHEL3.

could not set up softload

Ok, I just installed it on Redhat AS 3, then could you give me detail instruction on how to configure so as to get it run? Thanks.

Added after 22 minutes:

by the way, I need ICFB only.

red hat cadence

Add following lines into your .bashrc

export CDS_ROOT=/ap/EDA/IC5141/
#export CDS_Netlisting_Mode=Analog
export CDSDIR=$CDS_ROOT/tools
export XKEYSYMDB=$CDS_ROOT/share/cdssetup/tdmX11/XKeysymDB
export XNLSPATH=$CDS_ROOT/share/cdssetup/tdmX11/nls
#export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CDS_ROOT/tools.lnx86/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

download cadence ic

i copy the code you provide in .bashrc and when I type icfb&, there is still nothing come out, could you provide more detailed and specific instruction? the directory where I installed cadence is /usr/cadence, thanks.

how to install cadence ic5141

I have run ic5141 at centos v4.x, this version is equal to the enterprise version of RedHat, and there is no problem at all. As far as I know, there is no need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH since it will be set automatically when you running the script of launching icfb. Besides, you should add the command "export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1" in your bashrc to prevent some error message. Hope this is helpful for you..

ic5141 redhat 9

when you installed 5141, what kind of technology library and process model (such as tsmc 2.5) it comes with and where could i find them after installation? thanks.

ld_assume_kernel cadence

For : asueee0
You have to change some variables according to you environemnt. EG :
export CDS_ROOT=/usr/cadence
and do following in /usr/cadence
ln -s tools.lnx86 tools

Added after 2 minutes:

For Memphis :
Can you succesfully execute DRACULA tools? For example: run that generated by PDRACULA.
Jerry Yau

what is cadence ic5141

Thanks Mr yao, after modified the path, i got it run at last;
Thanks Memphis, after adding the code you provided, the error message disappear;

Additional question:
It seems that there is no technoogy library in my installation, where can i find them?

install cadence ic 5 on red hat enterprise

Check with your foundry.

installing cadence, softload

when I refered to some online tuitorials (for example: page 4)
on cadence, the screen usually displayed follwing librarys:


how could I obatined or where to download these librarys and how to install them?

installing cadence from disk

I've tried installing Cadence ic5141 in Fedora 4 (as root) using
but I continue getting the below error.

Setting up softload for lnx86 in /home/Giorgos/Cadence
The following tar errors were detected:

/bin/tar: -b1: Not found in archive
/bin/tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
/bin/tar: -b1: Not found in archive
/bin/tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

Could not set up SoftLoad in /home/Giorgos/Cadence

You must have write permissions to install directory
and all its subdirectories
and atleast 10 MB available disk
space in install directory.

redhat 9 ic5141

I want to very your ic5141 CD content before you could install:

How many files are there in the subfolder "IMAGES.DIR" in your ic5141 base CD1?

How many files are there in the subfolder "IMAGES.DIR" in your usr CD1?

cadence ic5141 could not set up softload

try tar 1.13 version
you can find it in RH9

system requirements for cadence ic5141

I tried installing IC5141 on RH AS4 and at the beginning I got the following message:

Starting up SoftLoad in GUI mode \c

DISPLAY environment variable is set to :0.0\c

If you do not see the SoftLoad console \c
window or the SoftLoad ASCII menu and\c
./SETUP.SH seems to be hanging then kill this \c

Set your DISPLAY environment variable to a proper\c
value and manually start SoftLoad

Can anyone give me detailed information on how to set this display variable, please?
Maybe it is because I don't have the color depth set to 8 or 24 bits, but again I dunno how to do this.
The only thing I can set in my display options is the resolution and other things, but I don't see the color depth selection.
I appreciate any kind of help.

redhat display variable enterprise

it is on the same website.just download the pdk

using cadence ic

I couldn't overcome the NCSU Hit-Kit working problem with IC5141.
I reload IC5033. Can someone inform me how to set up the Kit on IC5141 on Sun Solaris 10.

cadence ic5141 install

I am looking for a newer version of Cadence (newer than IC5.0.33) Could you help me?

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