Cadence Allegro 16.6: Edit-->Import -->board (*.brd, *.pcb,...)

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Newbie level 6
Feb 11, 2015
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Hello all,

I got a schematic and a PCB (*.pcb) board using Allegro Cadence 16.6 from Internet.
I decide to modify this schematic by adding about 10 components to this schematic and make a new PCB (from the original PCB downloaded) for my own application. I don't touch/change any net names on the original schematic, just adding and few components removed (not much) from this schematic.
Now I finished my schema and generate a netlist file and loading to a new PCB file after drawing a Bounding board outline (as standard method). All the footprints (from OLDs/originals and NEWs components are displayed well.

Note: To get the OLDs/original footprints (*.dra, *.psm,... files) from the original PCB, I have exported the library (Edit --> Export --> library) from this one.

My questions are:
1. HOW I can load the new netlist file (created from new schematic with few (10) components added) to the original PCB file directly and modify from this original PCB file ?
2. Is there an option Edit --> Import --> board, to import the original PCB to a new PCB file (after drawing a bounding board outline) and then loading the netlist file (with few components different from original one) to this NEW PCB file ?

Thanks for advices.


1.generate the netlist from schematic and open the board file (keep original copy seperatly) file-->import-->logic-->select the path of netlist and import it (if you find the error solve it) if you not find any error place the component using place-->quick place.i hope some component will be import in your board file

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