Cadence Alegro 16.3 - How to change symbol origin to the center of the part?

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Feb 7, 2011
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SOLVED - Cadence Alegro 16.3 - How to change symbol origin to the center of the part?

I created a new part and successfully used it in a schematic but when I move on to pcb design the part's "pick" origin is way off the part. So when I click on it to move it on the pcb bd the part goes way out of bounds. How do I change the origin to be in the center of the part?
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When you are creating your part, you have to pay attention to the origin of the design. It'll be the origin of your part...
To change it, go to Setup-->Design Parameters-->Design-->Move origin.


SOLVED - Cadence Alegro 16.3 - How to change symbol origin to the center of the part?


When you are creating your part, you have to pay attention to the origin of the design. It'll be the origin of your part...
To change it, go to Setup-->Design Parameters-->Design-->Move origin.


Thanks for the tip but this is not the solution to my problem. Most of the parts place correctly, it is only the parts where I have selected a custom footprint in the capture parts property field. For instance I use a header4 connector out of the parts library and a custom hdr156_4x1.dra for the footprint. All the custom footprints show up correctly in the pcb window but fly off the page when selected for movement.

edit: Seems the problem is not associated with the custom footprint being attached to a Capture library part. I created a new part from scratch and I get the same results. However, I have other parts I created that do not have the problem - very weird.

edit2: Solved - I had to edit all the new footprints I created and reset the drawing origin using the the setup/change drawing origin menu option.
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Hi while creating the the symbol you have set origin to 00,00 and don't select user pic click on body center.

Praveen Bhat

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