Cadence 5. Trouble with simualting basic element in project.

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Re: Cadence 5. Trouble with simualting basic element in proj

streamc said:
How can I solve this problem?
The netlister told you:
ERROR: Netlister: unable to descend into any of the views defined in the view list: ...
Your vdc & vpulse sources own symbol views only, so have to add to your view name list the view name symbol. In your schematic window, open (in the top Menu) Options -> Editor (bindKey: O), and add symbol between schematic & veriloga of the View Name List.
I hope this will solve the pb.

Maybe you should use analogLib instead, it has the
spectre (and various other simulator) views and
proper netlisting. I don't know if basic library has the
simulation support you need, the only thing I ever use
out of basic is the noConn symbol (which does not
netlist to anything).

Then make sure your switch view and stop view list
includes your preferred simulator rep, before any of
the other views (because it will pick the first valid).

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