C# serial data plot help needed

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Can anyone suggest me how to plot the real time data from pic16F877A in C#

what do you mean by 'real time'? e.g. how many samples/sec and how many bits /sample?

if a few hundred 8 bit samples/second you could transmit the data over a serial line - it depends on the maximum baud rate you you achieve.
USB could be faster depending on the protocol used and ethernet much faster (but you would probably have to move to a PIC24 or PIC32)

we have com port object in c# using that we can read values from serial port through DB9 connector

we have com port object in c# using that we can read values from serial port through DB9 connector

you can transmit byte data as single characters, 16 bit data as two characters, etc.
the C# program receives the data via the com port object and plots it

i think there are some MSChart tool for C# for plotting graph this will help you.

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