C programming under Linux

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Mar 16, 2003
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C-linux programming

I need some information about C programming in linux (OPsystem).
What is the differences?Whats its advantages?

Re: C-linux programming

C programming in Linux is more more advantageous than windows i wud say.. the reasons i knew are that...

the simplest reason is that.. the crash frequency is less...

moreover, in linux programming, u can use many many of the available system calls to program files and there are additional include files available there...

and all or most of the files used for programming linux uses the same C and hence they library is vast and available in plenty...

there are many types of editiors available for programming them

not that difficult to use.. very similar to use in windows with little changes.. for ex. conio.h library is not available in linux C, and random numbe generator function is different in Linux C.. other than that it is same.. (for programming)...

the execution is also very efficient than windows( linux) u might know it..

hope this helps!


Re: C-linux programming

Other advantages are

unix scripting allows for a universal Make scipts that are easily proted across unix platforms. (I have ported Linux programs to Solaris and HP-UX with little intervention).
The configure script can set up almost everything required to taylor the C program to meet specific difference in you system (eg Athlon 64 vs Pentium 32, what libraries are available already on your system that can be used by the program etc.)
Version control is a given.
The C compiler is free and also includes C++, Fortran, Pascal, Java etc.
There is tons of unix C program source available to learn from.
For a beginner, using console type programs rather than X Windows or MS Windows is a reall advantage. I would hate to have to learn C programming using MS Windows.

I also use MSVC 6.0 and Borland builder for Windows so it ios worth mentioning the major disadvantage of Linux programming is the lack of a "Visual" set up that takes care of all the resources for GIU programs (like buttons, dialog boes etc). Such GUI front ends do exist but they are nowhere close to say Borland.
However, this "window" advantage opften makes for sloppy code.

Re: C-linux programming

dariush said:
I need some information about C programming in linux (OPsystem).
What is the differences?Whats its advantages?

you can read here:
**broken link removed**

(Advanced Linux Programming). Quite a good book. Though sounding "Advanced", it provides really basic Linux system programming. Worth trying.

Re: C-linux programming

If you are going to do kernel mode programming then the C programming language is the language to go, even in windows. Linux is a much more "pleasent" place to do it. There are far fewer software layers and "rules" to follow in Linux, and it's kinda "frustrating" in windows. I admit that Linux is a far better OS than windows, when it goes to comfort in developing software.

C-linux programming

just a program language, just to use it

Re: C-linux programming

Also there are more jobs for pure C & C++ programer under linux then under windows

Added after 4 hours 57 minutes:

Advantages yu said well well there are so many tools i.e
editors , debugers etc even the source is avilable you can modify the original libc and do a lot

have tighter controller on the compiler etc .

welcome to Open source

Added after 35 seconds:

Advantages yu said well well there are so many tools i.e
editors , debugers etc even the source is avilable you can modify the original libc and do a lot

have tighter controller on the compiler etc .

welcome to Open source

C-linux programming

try " learning linux programming "
wiley publication

its good book

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