C Programming Language

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c would be a good point of start to learn C++. u can always learn C++ directly, however, it would be easier if u already know C.


The C programming language - Dennis ritchie,
The C++ Programming Language - by stroustrup
(this is very difficult for beginners)
so better start with "C++ - the Complete Reference"

I agree with ivar4ever on "The C Programming Language". It was written by the inventor of the language (Ritchie), but is very accessible to the beginner. If it's not in this book, it's not worth knowing.
"Thinking in C++" by Bruce Eckel is a good introductory book for C++. I'm not sure it's still in print, but it is probably available used.

kseng2002 said:
Hi, can any1 explain wat's the different btw C, C++ programming language ?

Wat's the bible for those above programming language which suitable for beginner to learn ? Thx in advance.

hi, how are you??

yes, C is the basic. You will grasp other language much easier after you get to understand the concept of C.

how can i learn C for micro controller?

is there any tutorial source code for 8051 microcontroller application using C?

In VietNam You can read "thiet ke he thong voi ho 8051" by TONG VAN ON or "VI dieu khien voi lap trinh C" by NGO DIEN TAP
or search on this forum book "embeded C by M.J.Point " or "Parntern C by M.J.Point" or C51 primer .I think that are good books for learning keil C to program uC 8051

for C, you can refer to books by Ritchie or Gottfried

c++ is better as name suggests but if u master c 1st it will be good bcoz all features of c is in c++ plus external features.and c is much simpler.best book for c is by dennis ritchie

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