Member level 2
hello friends... i am using a buzzer in my project. i want it to produce sound when the incoming voltage from a sensor(through ADC) exceeds a particular value and stop when that voltage gets reduced below that threshold value. i have been searching on net for buzzer connection to MCU(at89c51) from yesterday and came across another thread on this same board https://www.edaboard.com/threads/229158/ . i have also connected my buzzer in same way but i used a dc source of +12V to my buzzer(firstly is that correct???? as using the same power source that is given the diagram in that thread,i could not turn on my buzzer so i just randomly put there a dc +12V source and it worked).but now the problem is that it keeps producing sound whether i give the corresponding pin of MCU a high or a low that i couldn't understand. please help me in this and also tell me the correct connections and that whether it is required to clear or set the corresponding pin of MCU to turn on buzzer and how much supply voltage does buzzer require.my buzzer look like this
thanks in advance.