building a DSP system in an FPGA,

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What's that you say? When you follow my link with the google terms I suggest then you actually get relevant pages related to dsp on fpga? How interesting!

Or are you somehow suggesting that google is not a viable tool just because you haven't learned (or bothered) to properly use said tool? You know, contrary to the experience of many people succesfully using google for precisely this task. No wait, don't answer that...

PS: Look up the distinction between "word" and "character" in the dictionary, it might help your humorous constructs in the future.

haha..thats great ..they 'particularly' deleted my post only and none of yours and gave me a which i said truth..and yes that post was a lesson for guys like you who make fun of those people who are beginner and ready to learn something..thats why we join this forum, i hope u'll never do that again to any other people or else you are exactly what i wrote into that post earlier.

Did you follow those google links yet? Or are you going to be all pouty because it is pointed out to you that you can easily use google to find out the answer to your OP?

Alternatively, tell me this: when someone joins, and it is quite reasonable to assume that they have not spent any of their own time to figure out the answer ... what do you think a reasonable response is to point this out?

I really dont know what you want. You asked:

"how to build DSP on FPGA"

My stock answer would be "Write some code, press compile, and download to chip".

But Im bored of using that kind of reply. I thought Id mix it up with a reply that is just as useful.

I never saw your deleted post, but you seem to have a misunderstanding of what this forum is about. It's not a place where forum members are required to teach you about "DSP systems on an FPGA" (that is called a university DSP class, where you pay for the privilege of instruction). It is a place where you can ask very specific questions (with enough information given to allow for a specific answer) of experienced (hopefully) individuals that voluntarily help people like you.

We aren't here to teach you DSP. If you want to learn how to implement DSP on FPGAs then you should:
a) buy a books on Verilog/VHDL and DSP
b) read papers on DSP algorithms implemented in FPGA/ASICs
c) go take classes at your local university in DSP
d) hire a DSP tutor
e) etc.
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